
What is Violin Market Index?


Violin market performance using realized global, private, and vetted sales data.

Collecting and understanding private sale information of high-end instruments has always been a challenge.  Sales information is rarely shared as often there are privacy issues.  Even when a sale amount is given, without understanding the specifics of the particular instrument, the figure is meaningless.  This makes any price-tracking graph based solely on sales prices inadequate.  How do you compare the sale of a highly-restored Stradivari sold under desperate conditions, with the sale of the most desirable, healthy example acquired in a strong market?  Can you understand the market by only looking at sale prices?

Violin Market Index provides a simple way to overcome this difficulty.  By using a mathematical model to account for 15 different criteria, including but not limited to condition, model, and provenance, a realized sale price can be calculated as an Index Score (VMI Score.)  This quantitative analysis, free of conditional parameters, makes it possible to compare examples which are vastly different in nature.  In the world of violin-market investment, this is the first time accurate data has been gathered, presenting an unbiased and realistic view of market trends for each maker. 

Furthermore, the mechanism for collecting data has been developed so as to provide the participating dealers the ability to maintain confidentiality of the instruments and their owners.  It allows the sharing of up-to-date information, which might otherwise not be made available.  All information goes through a vetting process before it is added to the site, and once the VMI Score is calculated, it cannot be modified.

Violin Market Index gives an accurate accounting of the trend in violin sales.  The objective is not to focus on the sales prices, which appear as random points without qualification, but rather to account for the sale condition and instrument condition to achieve relatable figures; the VMI Score.


Who we are

Violin Market Index is a company dedicated to violin market price research. Established in 2019 for the sole purpose of developing and maintaining this website and the integrity of the data provided herein.  For more information on our company, please contact us.